Uses and greatest Fit for Under 14kW Generators

Generators that produce lower than 14kW of power feel like lightweights, but a majority of them can supply power in an outage to keep critical circuits operating and offer several conveniences at the same time. Standby generators followed by an automatic transfer switch operate automatically within an outage to keep your home supplied with power, if you are not home. Portable generators won’t operate automatically, but they can complete the task each time a standby generator is just not a choice.

Fuel Consumption

Supplying fuel to a generator within an outage is always a concern. Finding gasoline or diesel fuel during a widespread outage may be difficult or supplies could be restricted. After Hurricane Sandy, some areas rationed gasoline. Smaller generators use less fuel, and consumption is directly impacted by electrical load.

Standby generators use propane or gas and eliminate the necessity for continuous refueling. Some portables can work on propane, and some are able to use propane, propane, or gasoline.

Homes which use LP gas rather than gas must store their fuel in a tank. LP-powered generators from 7kW to 14kW will often be well suited for LP gas installations because they use less fuel than larger generators. Expect a fully loaded 7kW generator to make use of about 1.3 gallons of propane each hour, while 20kW can use up to 2 gallons per hour to create the equal amount of power.

Homes with Lower Power Requirements

Don’t assume all home requires the volume of power a large generator is capable of producing. Many older homes have 100-amp and even 60-amp main service panels, and all the power they could usage is already limited. Even newer homes with 200-amp electrical service don’t utilize that much power.

A 13kW generator can establish 54 amps of current continuously at 240 volts―almost over a 60-amp service, and aside from peak periods, it nears the most power supplied via a 100-amp service in numerous situations. A bigger generator is merely unnecessary.

When air conditioners along with other high-voltage, high-current appliances are used, a transfer switch that manages generator power will assure that power hungry appliances have the power they want.

Mobile Homes

Many mobile homes are designed and developed for 50 to 60-amp service and are supplied via an external disconnect mounted on a pole or post outside the mobile home, combined with the utility company meter. Building codes typically have a 100-amp service as the minimum, and the cabling that runs between your disconnect and also the camper must accommodate very much power. Other jurisdictions allow connection via a 60-amp cord and receptacle.

No matter what, the power needs of mobile homes are normally lower than built-in-place homes, and are good candidates for under 14kW portable or standby generators that operate on LP gas, propane, or gasoline. Gasoline storage is often a problem in camper communities, making LP or gas preferable.

Renewable Energy Systems

Solar and wind power powered off-the-grid energy systems provide their unique power which gets held in batteries. They furnish enough power for power efficient appliances and don’t depend on power through the electric utility. In most cases, these are fully disconnected through the power company.

Generators meant to operate off grid and are powered by LP gas add the space once the sun doesn’t shine or the wind doesn’t blow, and battery levels run low. Typically, these generators produce about 6kW, although larger units can be found. Off grid and sustainable energy systems are designed for minimal power use and environmentally safe operation, making small, power efficient generators the ideal choice.

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